I seriously need to update this more. I have gotten all kinds of goodies from my SP and haven't even posted pictures of them. I have nothing to blame it on but pure laziness. I have been knitting a few things, mostly spinning though. I have about 4 different projects on my spindles that I need to finish. I have also been playing a lot with dyeing my own fiber. I really like how it ends up. The last package I got from my sp was this:
The Flip Knit book is awesome. Showing different decreases as you flip the book. It honestly hugely helped with the ssk.....I now know I was doing it all wrong. As for the fiber it is already spun and being knit into a scarf. I split the roving in half and spun one half as is, and the other half I split even further into pencil roving. What happened is an awesome stripey fade. I love it. I should have the scarf done in the next couple of days and I will post pictures. Also my son's birthday was Wednesday. He is now five years old. I can hardly believe it. I only bought him one present but it was a big one. I bought him his first four wheeler